国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所(AIST)人工知能研究センター (AIRC)データ知識融合研究チーム( DKI)の 主任研究員として知識グラフやセマンティック技術の研究に取り組んでいます.電気通信大学の連携准教授( 大須賀・田原・清研究室)として学生の研究指導も行っています.また,法政大学理工学部兼任講師(非常勤講師)として セマンティックWebと エージェント技術の講義を担当しています.博士(工学)
奥原史佳,江上周作,清雄一,田原康之,大須賀昭彦 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.40, No.1, pp.B-O71_1-16, 2025 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1527/tjsai.40-1_B-O71 We proposed a method to automatically generate panoramic learning questions for higher education using knowledge graphs and inference rules. |
齋藤悠貴,江上周作,清雄一,田原康之,大須賀昭彦 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.39, No.6, pp.AG24-D_1-13, 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1527/tjsai.39-6_AG24-D This study investigated effective knowledge representation for anime recommendations using graph neural networks, demonstrating that combining metadata-based and text-based knowledge graphs significantly improves recommendation performance. |
澤村勇輝,森田武史,江上周作,鵜飼孝典,福田賢一郎 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.39, No.6, pp.C-O42_1-14, 2024 DOI: hhttps://doi.org/10.1527/tjsai.39-6_C-O42 This study proposed a Japanese Entity Linking model using a Pointer Network and confirmed it outperformed existing multilingual models in evaluation experiments. |
Swe Nwe Nwe Htun, Shusaku Egami, Ken Fukuda SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol.17, No.1, pp.87-105, 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/18824889.2024.2318848 This study investigates the potential of generating synthetic training data for activities of daily living (ADLs) recognition using the VirtualHome2KG framework. |
Shusaku Egami, Takanori Ugai, Masateru Oota, Kyoumoto Matsushita, Takahiro Kawamura, Kouji Kozaki, Ken Fukuda IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp.142030-142042, 2023 Code1 / Code2 / Dataset / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3341029 (open access) This study introduces RDF-star2Vec, a novel KGE model designed for RDF-star graphs, which are (recursive) hyper-relational knowledge graphs. In addition, we provide a dataset and a benchmarking framework for data mining tasks focused on complex RDF-star graphs. |
Shusaku Egami, Takanori Ugai, Mikiko Oono, Koji Kitamura, Ken Fukuda IEEE Access, Vol.11, pp.23857-23873, 2023 Code / Dataset / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3253807 (open access) We proposed the VirtualHome2KG framework to generate synthetic KGs of daily life activities in virtual space. We also demonstrated the utility and potential of the VirtualHome2KG through several use cases, including the analysis of daily activities by querying, embedding, and clustering, and fall risk detection among older adults based on expert knowledge. |
Shusaku Egami, Yasunori Yamamoto, Ikki Ohmukai, Takashi Okumura PLOS ONE, Vol.18, No.3: e0282291, 2023 data / project page / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0282291 (open access) We constructed an ontology, CIRO, which can infer the risk of COVID-19 infection from the action history for the actual operation of tracking and screening of close contacts at public health centers. |
Shusaku Egami, Takahiro Kawamura, Kouji Kozaki, Akihiko Ohsuga Data Intelligence, Vol.4, No.1, pp.88-111, 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/dint_a_00113 (open access) We extracted urban problem causality from various documents and structured the data as a KG. Then we detected vicious cycles and root problems using SPARQL and SWRL. Furthermore, urban-problem experts evaluated the extracted causal relations. |
塚越雄登, 江上周作, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌), Information and Systems, Vol.141, No.11, pp.1222-1233, 2021 (in Japanese) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1541/ieejeiss.141.1222 We collected unstructured data from a university campus and integrated it as a knowledge graph based on the proposed ontology. |
江上周作, 呂暁東, 古賀禎, 住谷泰人 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.36, No.1, pp.WI2-F_1-12, 2021.1 (in Japanese) project page / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1527/tjsai.36-1_WI2-F (open access) We developed a reference ontology that enables common situational awareness of spatiotemporal concepts for semantic interoperability in air traffic information management. |
Takahiro Kawamura, Shusaku Egami IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.68, No.5, 2021 project page / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2019.2946886 (open access) We proposed a method for creating word and paragraph vectors corresponding to bilingual textual information in the same multidimensional space, aiming to construct a bilingual map of science. |
Shusaku Egami, Takahiro Kawamura, Kouji Kozaki, Akihiko Ohsuga International Journal of Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.3, No.1, pp.71-86, 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.52731/ijscai.v3.i1.321 (open access) We extracted causal relations using natural language processing and crowdsourcing to construct urban problem Linked Data. |
Takahiro Kawamura, Katsutaro Watanabe, Naoya Matsumoto, Shusaku Egami, Mari Jibu Scientometrics, Vol.116, pp.941-958, 2022 project page / DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-018-2783-x (open access) We proposed a new content-based method of locating research projects in a multi-dimensional space using the word/paragraph embedding techniques. |
Shusaku Egami, Takahiro Kawamura, Akihiko Ohsuga IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E101-D, No.1, pp.116-129, 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1587/transinf.2017SWP0010 (open access) We complemented temporal and spatial missing data of the Linked Open Data (LOD) of the problem of illegally parked bicycles using bayesian networks and computational fluid dynamics. |
Shusaku Egami, Takahiro Kawamura, Akihiko Ohsuga International Journal of Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.1, No.2, pp.77-93, 2017 DOI: https://doi.org/10.52731/ijscai.v1.i2.99 (open access) We proposed a schema of illegally parked bicycle LOD (IPBLOD) and a methodology of designing LOD schema. |
江上周作, 川村隆浩, 清雄一, 田原康之, 大須賀昭彦 人工知能学会論文誌, Vol.31, No.6, pp.AI30-K_1-12, 2016 (in Japanese) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1527/tjsai.AI30-K (open access) We purposed eco-cycle for solving illegally parked bicycles using linked open data. |
Shusaku Egami, Takahiro Kawamura, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVII, Springer LNCS, Vol.9860, pp.129-141, 2016 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53416-8_8 We built an ecosystem that generates Open Urban Data in Link Data format while complementing missing attribute values. |
江上周作, 川村隆浩, 藤井章博, 大須賀昭彦 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J98-D, No.6, pp.992-1004, 2015 (in Japanese) CRES: http://id.nii.ac.jp/1438/00009010/ (open access) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53416-8_8 We constructed a linked open data of industrial parts (screw LOD) to realize a business support agent that applies the screw LOD to the bill of materials (BOM). |
2005年よりペン回しを始め,2006年より本格的にネット活動を開始し,携帯サイト「ペン回しの空間」を開設.以降無改造Dr.GRIPのみを使用し国内,国外の数々のCollaboration Video (CV)に出演.代表作に国内最高峰CVのJapEnシリーズ(2010, 2011, 2016),SPSL'8thなど.有志により多数のソロパフォーマンスビデオが作成される.2015年には世界大会Pen Spinning World Tournament 2015に日本代表として出場.唯一の無改造ペン使用者かつ史上初のベスト8進出.全国大会Naranja Penspinning Festival 2011, 2017の審査員.2016年より日本フォーラムJapEn Board (JEB)(旧, 新)のサーバー管理者.